Tradewinds Plantation Berhad is justifiably proud of its tradition of sharing success by contributing towards improving the quality of life in the community.
As in previous years, we continue to support various charitable organisations and worthy causes throughout the country. It is gratifying that the spirit of caring and sharing has filtered down to our employees. We have engaged in various charitable events and causes such as donations for natural disasters, the less fortunate and even animal shelters. We believe that our corporate social responsibilities extend beyond mankind.
We have also organised family day gatherings and bonding activities at the estates with the surrounding communities as well as the communities in need such as orphans and the less fortunate. Among the CSR programmes we have engaged in include:

Malayan Sun Bear adoption
Charity events

Charity dinner and donation for local orphanages
Wildlife habitat restoration
and conservation programmes

Providing financial aid to build aerial bridges for primates in collaboration with Malaysian Nature Society and Johore State Forestry Department
Aiding victims
of natural disasters

Providing donations for Peduli Gempa Lombok programme